A message from the GCC

The GCC will be having its annual 1/2 price sale on: Thursday, December 14th 10am-6pm and Saturday, December 16th 10am-1pm

All items will be 1/2 off. If you do not wish your consigned items to be included in the sale – they must be withdrawn by Wednesday, December 13th. Remember your payout will reflect the 1/2 off sale price. Consignments will not be accepted during the sale.

All remaining Christmas items will be removed immediately after the sale and before the GCC reopens in January. Those items too should be withdrawn before the sale.

The GCC will close @1pm on Saturday, December 16th for our volunteers to enjoy the Holidays and reopen on Tuesday, January 9th @ 10am.

We hope your Holidays are filled with things that matter rooted in traditions you treasure and shared with people you love.