October at the Consignment Center

Evidence of autumn is now visible at the Consignment Center. Halloween costumes will begin to go out on Tuesday, October 3, and we will start to accept Thanksgiving items on Tuesday, October 10. Keep this in mind as you anticipate the fall holidays and events, and check our supplies for traditional celebrations and family gatherings. Remember that inventory changes very frequently, and grows as new merchandise arrives each day of the week. 

Soon, the frost will be on these pumpkins, so we are already planning for damp days and chilly evenings. Winter clothing—coats, boots, scarves, and other woolies—can be brought in as of Tuesday, October 24. Please make sure garments are clean, in current style, and good condition; check zippers, count buttons, and empty pockets before delivering.

We deeply appreciate the donations that were given on September 10, as your generosity allowed us to meet the needs of a large number of shoppers that arrived, eager for another season.  We have noticed many new individuals and families visiting the shop, and an increasing cohort of customers who have made sustainable purchasing a personal priority. There seems to be a growing concern for reducing waste, changing online habits, and conserving resources. 

The steady growth in our business brings a need for a larger staff. We need more hands each day in order to process goods, maintain the site, and welcome a larger sample of the public. One three-hour shift each week is all that is required to help us keep our scheduled business days running smoothly. If you are interested, or have more questions, please contact Gail Shields (gpsshields@yahoo.com), Marcia Sinclair (marbensin@gmail.com), or Sarah England (england-sarah@comcast.net). 

Stop in, chat with friends, peruse, and share in the bounty!